Wednesday, May 3, 2017


The silence around me was unbearable
Until I heard your soft melody
Playing gently through the the sea of void scrambles
You allowed me to hear your melody through my ears and body
You came into my lonely life and let your melody be heard
Soon, I started to hear my own melody within my own agony
Together we made our melodies sing like birds
And it blossomed into a full symphony
Everyone can hear what we have together
Through ups and downs I vowed to stay by your side
Everyday our melodies can be heard farther
And when we created a new melody I cried
I will do whatever I can to fill the silence with our melodies
With our songs we will make this world a better place
When you are sick I will give you the right remedies
You saved me from the darkness I had to face
Without you I would have stayed the same
And I am sure without me,  you would not be who you are today
So please continue to share your melodies until you shoot to fame
No matter what, at your side I am here to stay

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